
上海市静安区学生肥胖危险因素分析 被引量:16

Risk Factors of Student Obesity in Jing' an District of Shanghai
摘要 目的了解中学生肥胖危险因素的分布特点,为开展肥胖防治工作提供依据。方法用随机整群抽样法,抽取静安区2所初中、2所高中的2111名学生,采用问卷形式进行调查。结果出生体重≥3.5kg的占22.5%,肥胖组、非肥胖组分别占27.0%,22.1%;母亲超重、肥胖的分别占12.3%,3.7%,父亲超重、肥胖的分别占25.5%,6.3%,哮喘检出率为12.0%,肥胖组、非肥胖组分别占15.6%,11.7%。早餐情况:1周早餐次数≤5次的占18.0%,肥胖组、非肥胖组分别占21.4%,18.0%;晚餐情况:进食速度<20min的占35.5%,肥胖组、非肥胖组分别占35.2%,35.8%;与2003年调查结果比较,除哮喘检出率外均有所上升;食品情况:喜欢油炸食品、肉类的分别占24.0%,39.9%,而2003年分别占71.7%,73.5%。夜宵食用情况:88.6%的学生曾经食用夜宵,肥胖组、非肥胖组分别占81.8%和89.1%。结论通过干预,喜欢吃油炸食品、肉类的行为有所减少,但是大出生体重、父母亲超重肥胖、不吃早餐的有所上升。哮喘、进食快等危险因素仍不同程度存在。晚间适量食用低脂夜宵对长时间作业的学生预防肥胖是有保护作用的。 Objective To investigate distribution character of obesity risk factors for high school students,in order to provide basis for obesity prevention and treatment.Methods By using cluster random sampling method,2 111 high school students from 2 junior high schools and 2 senior high schools in Jing'an district were surveyed by questionnaire.Results There were 22.5% high school students whose birth weight was more than 3.50 kg,in obese group it was 27.0% and 22.1% in non-obese.Students whose mother was over-weight and obese accounted for 12.3% and 3.7%.Students whose father was over-weight and obese accounted for 25.5% and 6.3%.The prevalence rate of asthma was 12.0%,15.6% in obese group and 11.7% in non-obese.18.0% students ate breakfast less than 5 times a week,in obese group it was 21.4% and 18.0% in non-obese.There were 35.5% students who ate supper in less than 20 minutes,in obese group it was 35.2% and 35.8% in non-obese.Except prevalence rate of asthma other indices all raised.There were 24.0% and 39.9% students who prefer to eat meat and fried food,it was 71.7% and 73.5% in 2003.About 88.6% students had ever eaten snacks in the evening,in obese and non-obese group it were 81.8% and 89.1%.Conclusion After intervention behaviors such as like eating meat and fried food had decreased,but other risk factors such as big birth weight,over-weight and obese of parents,no breakfast had increased.As obesity risk factors asthma and eat quickly still exist at different levels.Eat low-fatty snacks in the evening is protect factor for prevention obesity among students who study for long time.
出处 《中国学校卫生》 CAS 北大核心 2009年第11期1018-1021,共4页 Chinese Journal of School Health
基金 2007年静安区卫生局课题项目(编号:200706B088)
关键词 肥胖症 出生体重 遗传 哮喘 饮食习惯 学生 Obesity Birth weight Heredity Asthma Food habits Students
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