

Active Search and Detection of Public Information Sign Based on Prior Space Scale Information
摘要 为了使"福娃机器人"能够在机场候机楼中自主导航,以公共信息标志为导航路标,研究公共信息标志的搜索与检测问题,提出了一种基于视觉时空多尺度信息的标志搜索与检测方法。利用公共信息标志形状的先验信息,在空间大尺度下对公共信息标志快速搜索。当公共信息标志在图像上呈现模糊、标志部分信息缺失、标志粘连等现象时,根据时空相关性自动进行空间尺度变化、寻找最优空间尺度完成公共信息标志的二次搜索与检测。实验结果证明了该方法的快速性和有效性。 To solve the autonomous navigation problem of "Fuwa robot" in airport terminal, taking public information signs as navigation signs, the methods of searching and detecting public irformation signs are studied and a new method based on multi- scales and spatiotemporal information is put forward. Using the prior information of public information signs, public information signs are searched fast in a big space scale. When the phenomena of blur, lack and conglutination in image occur, imaging position and space scales arc changed automatically on the basis of spatio- temporal relativity and the best space scale is found to .search and detect the public information signs successfully. Experiments show that the method is rapid and efficient.
作者 胡丹丹 岳玥
出处 《计算机技术与发展》 2009年第12期101-104,共4页 Computer Technology and Development
基金 中国民航总局科技开发项目(MHRD0702) 中国民航项目(06kym15)
关键词 最优空间尺度 主动搜索 公共信息标志 福娃机器人 prior space scale active search public information sign Fuwa robot
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