
低度恶性纤维粘液样肉瘤临床病理研究 被引量:6

Study of clinical pathology in low-grade fibromyxoid sarcoma
摘要 目的认识低度恶性纤维粘液样肉瘤临床特点和病理诊断及鉴别诊断。方法对17例低度恶性纤维粘液样肉瘤进行临床、病理及免疫组化分析,并随访观察。结果男10例,女7例,年龄3~72岁(平均43.2岁)。病变部位:下肢10例(其中大腿9例),背部2例,肘部、胸部、颈部、腹股沟和腹膜后各1例。肿瘤直径2.1~13.5cm不等,平均7.6cm。光镜下:瘤细胞小,梭形或星形,核深染有轻度异形,核分裂不常见。组织学特征为:轻至中度丰富细胞的纤维粘液样区和呈漩涡状排列的梭形细胞区在同一肿瘤中交替出现。免疫组化染色,肿瘤细胞波形蛋白阳性。7例有随访结果。结论低度恶性纤维粘液样肉瘤是一种独立存在。 Objective To study the clinical features,pathological diagnosis and differential diagnosis of low-grade fibromyxoid sarcoma. Method Clinicopathological and immunohistochemical analysis was carried out on 17 cases of low-grade fibromyxoid sarcoma. Results Male patients were 10 and female 7,whose age ranged from 3 to 72 years.Tumours were located at the lower limb (10 cases,9 in the thigh),the back (2 cases) and the elbow,chest wall,neck,groin and retroperitoneum (1 case each). The maximum dimension of tumours varied from 2.1 to 13.5 cm (mean 7.6 cm).Tumour cells were small,spindle to stellate. There was minimal nuclear pleomorphism and mitoses were uncommon. All tumours were charaterized by the presence of bland spindle cells,arranged in whorls,alternating with a fibrous or myxoid stroma. Immunohistochemical stains demonstrated Vimentin positivity.Follow up was done in 7 cases. Conclusion Low-grade fibromyxoid sarcoma is a distinctive indolent soft-tissue sarcoma.
出处 《铁道医学》 1998年第5期290-292,共3页 Railway Medical Journal
关键词 纤维粘液样肉瘤 鉴别诊断 软组织肿瘤 fibromyxoid sarcoma pathologic morphology differential diagnosis immunohistochemistry
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