
基于FDH方法的中国商业银行X-效率研究 被引量:16

X -EiEciency in China's Banking Sector; An FDH-based Approach
摘要 本文基于无成本处置壳(FDH)方法测算了中国商业银行1999年至2003年间的X-效率水平。结果发现,从投入技术效率、产出技术效率、投入配置效率、产出配置效率等X-效率指标来看,根据FDH方法估计得到的有效率商业银行数量更多,行业平均效率水平呈现逐年上升趋势,基于各个效率指标作出的效率评价在序数意义上基本一致,国有商业银行在整个样本期平均效率水平在所有X-效率指标上都高于其他商业银行,其产出配置效率在样本期内每一年份都高于其他商业银行。这一结果与基于DEA和SFA方法得到的相关结果之间的差异表明,生产技术凸性假设对商业银行效率的评价结果具有显著影响。 The paper uses a Free-Disposal-Hull-based approach to estimate the X-efficiency of China's banking sector in the period from 1999 to 2003. As it finds, comparing with all of the investigated efficiency measures (i. e. input-technical efficiency, output-technical efficiency, input-allocative efficiency, output-allocative effi- ciency, cost efficiency and profit efficiency) the efficiency of commercial banks estimated by FDH are more than those estimaled by other approaches, and that the indugtry-avoraged efficiency is inereasing year by. year in the sample period, The paper also finds that slate-owned commercial banks are more efficient on average than other commercial banks, which is contrary to the generally gotten results based on DEA or SFA and thus implies that the convexity of production technology postulation may have substantial influence for the estimation of the efficiency of commercial banks.
出处 《金融研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第11期91-102,共12页 Journal of Financial Research
关键词 商业银行 X-效率 FDH commercial banks, X-efficiency, Free Disposal Hull
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