Combination of water conservancy project construction with extendnating oncomelania is an important component of schistosondasis prevention work in Hunan province. Dongting tale is a large scale lake, receiving water of fourrivers, i. e. Xiang river, Zi river, Yuan river and Li river, and regulating the floods of Yangtze. The lake area is an extant production base Of China for grain, cotton and aquatic products. Since the founding of the People's Republic of China,the People in the lake area have conducted large scale water conservancy constrUction and improved the flood control and storage capacity of the lake. In foe meantime of hightening and strengthening the lake dyke, in the light of chalacterishcs of oncomelania reproduction and schistosodriasis dissendnation, transfondng the topography accolding to local condition andchanging water regime in the reproduction period of oncomelania, foeing unfavourable external condihon for schistosondasisdissemination, it is the principal measure to extendnate oncomelania and control the schistosotheasis. It has imper'tant realistic significance in reducing foe economic and social input for schistosomiasis prevention, safegualding the people and livestock in infected area, and promoting sehistosotheasis prevention work.
Yangtze River
Dyke reinforcement Environmental impact by hydrproject Environmental impact assessmentDongting Hu