作者采用DSC和TG方法,研究了树脂与六次甲基四胺的等温固化反应及其动力学,用FTIR方法研究了固化前后试样的结构变化。DSC结果表明,温度从130℃到170℃,(dα/dt)_(α-0.5)值逐渐增加,使用铝样品皿和大容量不锈钢密封皿,E值分别为101.2和84.9 kJ/mol。TG结果表明,最大固化程度的温度在200℃左右,固化反应速度的变化规律同上。FTIR的研究为分析新型热塑性钼酚醛树脂的固化机理提供了依据。
Both isothermal curing reactions of Me-phenolic resins with hexamine and their kinetics were systematically studied by means of DSC and TG.In addition, the mophologies of the sample before and after curing were determined by FTIR.The DSC results show that the value of (da/dt)_(α=0.5) increases gradually with increasing temperature from 130℃ to 170℃, and the E value is 101.2 and 84.9 kJ/mol for aluminum pan and highcapacity stainless steel capsulc with O-ring, respectively. Furthermore, the TG results show that the temperature for maximum curing extent is 200℃, and the same conclusion can also be drawn from examination of the curing rate at different tcmperaturcs. It is possible to set up a foundations for analyzing the curing mechanism of new thermal Mo-phenolic resting by FTIR.
composite material, phenolic resins, Mo-phenolic resins, curing.