
基于Visual C++的SVPWM算法分析与实现

Algorithm Analysis and Realization Method of SVPWM Based on Visual C++
摘要 为降低变频调速系统控制算法的再开发成本,在分析电压空间矢量脉宽调制(SVPWM)原理的基础上,提出了一种基于Visual C++的交流变频调速试验系统。该系统硬件为基于PCI总线的DSP320F2812运动控制卡,并利用Visual C++6.0开发了交流变频调速实时控制软件,其最大优势在于控制算法程序不用固化在数字信号处理器(DSP)的Flash芯片上,因此在该系统基础上可对控制算法进行二次开发而无须更改任何硬件电路。试验表明,介绍的方案可行,开发的控制软件输出性能良好,达到了设计要求,具有实用性。 By analyzing the basic principle of voltage space vector pulse width modulation, a variable frequency speed regulation system based on Visual C + + was proposed. The hardware of this system is designed with DSP320F2812 as its core and based on PCI bus, used the Visual C ++ 6.0 as a tool, the real-time control software of variable frequency speed regulation is developed. The biggest advantage of this system is procedure of control algo-rithm neednt load in the Flash of DSP; based on this system, control algorithm can be developed repeatedly without change any hardware circuit. The rcsuh indicates that the design method is feasible; the performance of the software is excellent to accord with the design requirements.
出处 《电机与控制应用》 北大核心 2009年第11期18-21,共4页 Electric machines & control application
关键词 空间矢量脉宽调制 变频调速 VISUAL C++ system vector pulse width modulation variable frequency speed regulation Visual C ++
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