2007—2009年,对明亮长脚金龟Hoplia spectabilis Medvedev生物学特性进行了调查研究。明亮长脚金龟是青海省天峻县危害沙棘Hippophae neurocarpa的主要害虫,1 a发生1代,以2-3龄幼虫在60 cm以下土壤中越冬。翌年5月下旬至6月上旬老熟幼虫开始陆续筑蛹室化蛹,蛹期10 d左右。6月中旬成虫开始羽化出土,6月下旬至7月上旬气温达到11.4℃时为出土盛期。成虫每日的活动危害期集中在12—14时,群聚于树上啃食叶片、花朵和果肉等。成虫具假死性,无趋光性,雌雄比1.6∶1。此外,针对该虫生物学特性及发生危害特点提出了相关防治建议。
Hoplia spectabilis was a major pest insect infesting Hippophae neurocarpa in Tianjun County,Qinghai Province. It had one generation a year and overwintered as the 2nd-3rd instar larvae in the soil 60 cm below the ground. The mature larvae began to pupate between the late May and early June the next year. In mid-June, the adults began to emerge with a peak from the late June to early July when the temperature reached about 11.4℃ . Adults fed on leaves, flowers and fruits of Hippophae trees, cansing severe damages to the bushes. The adults were thanatosis and show no phtotaxis. The ratio of female to male was 1.6: 1. Control measures against the pest insect were discussed.
Forest Pest and Disease