

Job Shop Printed Circuit Board Assembly Optimization Based on Model Constrainted by Polychromatic Sets
摘要 针对多组装设备、多组装任务的车间层印刷电路板(PCB)组装优化问题,提出了一种将多色集合与遗传算法(GA)相结合的新的优化方法。基于多色集合理论,用数值围道矩阵描述了复杂PCB组装工艺流程中组装优化问题的设备资源约束和工艺约束,建立了PCB组装的优化约束模型。约束模型使得遗传算法始终在有效解空间中进行搜索,不仅简化了GA适应度值的计算,还可通过约束模型的简单修改,动态描述受设备故障和组装任务变化等因素影响的车间层组装优化问题。实例计算结果表明,该方法能显著提高车间层PCB组装优化问题的求解效率,实现车间层PCB组装的动态优化。 Combined with PS and GA, an optimization method was presented to optimize the problem of job shop PCB assembly. Based on PS theory, numerical contour matrix was presented to describe the machine constraints and process constraints of job shop PCB assembly optimization problem and formulate the constraint model. Constraint model guaranteed that GA search in the effective solution space and simplified the calculation of fitness value. Moreover, if the machine and assembly task changed, through the simple modification of constraint model, the PCB assembly would be optimized conveniently. Experimental solutions indicate that the solution efficiency of job shop PCB assembly can be improved significantly and the dynamical optimization can be implemented.
出处 《中国机械工程》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第22期2687-2693,共7页 China Mechanical Engineering
基金 陕西省国际科技合作重点项目(2008KW-01)
关键词 印刷电路板组装 多色集合 数值围道矩阵 遗传算法 printed circuit board (PCB) assembly polychromatic set (PS) numerical contour matrix genetic algorithm(GA)
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