
硼氢化钠制氢技术在质子交换膜燃料电池中的研究进展 被引量:5

Recent advances in the study of sodium borohydride hydrolysis for pure hydrogen supply to PEM fuel cell
摘要 硼氢化钠储氢量高达10.6%,安全、无爆炸危险,携带和运输方便;供氢系统设备简单,启动速度快,产氢速度可调,因此是一个非常良好的氢载体,是为质子交换膜燃料电池供氢的理想储氢介质。硼氢化钠供氢系统也已逐步应用于质子交换膜燃料电池电源中。介绍了这种制氢方式的几项关键技术:硼氢化钠水解制氢催化剂、硼氢化钠制氢反应器、氢气净化系统等在质子交换膜燃料电池中的研究进展,并指出了今后的研究发展方向。 Sodium borohydride contains hydrogen as high as 10.6%, and it is safe, no fire and explosion danger, and portable. This hydrogen supply system has the features of simple structure, fast starting, and adjustable hydrogen production speed. Therefore, sodium borohydride is a very promising hydrogen carrier and a perfect medium for pure hydrogen supply to proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) In fact, the hydrolysis of sodium borohydride for hydrogen supply to PEMFC is in the way to real application. This review summarizes the recent advances in this hydrogen generation system including catalysts, reactors and purification methods, and the direction for sequent research is also discussed.
作者 王玉晓
出处 《化工进展》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第12期2122-2128,共7页 Chemical Industry and Engineering Progress
关键词 硼氢化钠 制氢 质子交换膜燃料电池 催化剂 sodium borohydride hydrogen production proton exchange membrane fuel cell catalyst
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