
内科病区护士手卫生实践理论频数观察 被引量:1

摘要 目的研究医院内科病区的护士手卫生实践理论频数,为提高手卫生依从性提供基础依据。方法采用“一对一”跟踪观察的方法,在2008年7月-9月期间对该医院8个内科病区的护士手卫生实践理论频数进行观察。结果在2个月时间内,8个内科病区共观察到312个白昼工作小时,记录了3588次的手卫生机会,需采用皂液加流水洗手1658次,占46.2%;可采用含醇手消毒剂消毒手1930次,占53.8%。平均每个白昼工作小时需实施手卫生的频次为11.5±2.9次/h;8个内科病区之间的手卫生实践频次差异具有非常显著意义(F=18.057,P=0.000)。结论该医院内科病区护士在白昼工作时间段,平均手卫生理论频数为11.5±2.9次/h;各病区之间存在显著差异。 Objective To determine the frequency of hand hygiene practice in nursed of internal medicine waard, in order to provide the essential data for improving compliance of hand hygiene. Method Direct observation method was used to study the opportunities of hand hygiene practice in nurses of eight internal medicine wards. Results From Jul 2008 to Sept, 312 -h daytime work period was observed and 3588 opportunities of hand hygiene for nurses in eight internal medicine wards. Of 3588 opportunities, 1658 (46.2%) were the opportunities of washing hand with soap and 1930 (57.8%) were opportunities of rubbing hand with alcohol - based solution. The number of opportunities of hand hygiene practice per work hour was 11.5 - 2.9 in average. There was significant statistical difference among eight internal medicine wards ( F = 18. 057, P = 0. 000. Conclusion Average frequency of hand hygiene practice was 11.5 ± 2.9 opportunities per work hour in nurses of internal medicine ward in daytime period. There is statistical difference among internal medicine wards.
出处 《中国消毒学杂志》 CAS 2009年第6期661-663,共3页 Chinese Journal of Disinfection
关键词 内科 护士 手卫生 频次 internal medicine nurse hand hygiene frequency
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