
软件防反汇编技术研究 被引量:7

Research on resistance to disassembly of software
摘要 为了保护软件所有权,根据一般的反汇编算法的特征,提出代码重叠、跳转地址重定向和控制流混淆等几种代码混淆技术。这些技术能使反汇编结果出现混淆,误导攻击者对程序理解,从而提高软件防反汇编的能力,有效地阻止对软件的逆向分析,保护了软件的知识产权。 In order to protect the property of software, according to the characteristics of general disassembly algorithms, this paper provided code overlap, jumping address redirection and obfuscation of control flow etc. several approaches in code obfuscation technologies. These approaches are able to make the disassembly process go away, and misdirect the adversaries' comprehension to programs, consequently enhance the software's resistance to disassembly, thus preventing the software from reverse analysing and protecting its property effectively.
作者 尚涛 谷大武
出处 《计算机应用研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第12期4553-4557,共5页 Application Research of Computers
基金 国家"863"计划资助项目(2006AA01Z405)
关键词 软件保护 逆向分析 代码混淆 程序理解 反汇编 software protection reverse analysis code obfuscation program comprehension disassembly
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