A 22-year-old woman received 5 Narusanwei pills for gingival swelling and pain. Thrity minutes later, the patient developed chest pain, dizziness, and nausea. He was hospitalied with aggravated symptoms accompanied by vomiting, pale, and peripheral cyanosis of limbs after 6 hours. He was treated with oxygen inhalation and underwent ECG monitoring immediately. An examination revealed a BP of 80/50 mm Hg, apathy, and confusion. ECG showed frequent ventricular extrasystole with bigeminy and ventricular fibrillation. The myocardial enzyme tests revealed the following levels: AST 151.1 U/L, LDH 532U/L, CK 1113U/L, CK- MB 135. 5U/L, α-HBDH 427U/L, and troponin T 1. 60 μg/L. He was diagnosed with frequent ventricular premature beats, ventricular fibrillation, drug-induced cardiac damage, and cardiac shock. A potassium supplement, an IV infusion of dopamine, and symptomatic therapy were given. Her condition improved. And he recovered after 15days of further treatment. The patient had no recurreace of any symptoms at 2-month follow-up .
Adverse Drug Reactions Journal