The present study has been conducted to compare the yields of potato microtuber (MT: 1-3 g), conventional seed tubers (CT: about 40g) and maize in Qibainong Township, Dahua County, Guangxi, during the year 1999 to 2000. MT and CT of potato mid-maturity cultivar "Xifeng", eight new varieties and one traditional variety of maize have been planted, and the plant growth and tuber yield of potato and the yield of maize were analyzed. The results showed that the potato growing period (from emergence to physiological maturity) was longer in MT plants than in CT plants. The yield of potato was not affected by potato seed tuber type. The marketable potato tuber fresh yield of CT and MT plants averaged 38450 kg/ha and 26300 kg/ha, respectively, and were 259% and 177% of the average fresh yield of potato in China in 2006, respectively. The marketable potato tuber fresh and dry yields of MT plants accounted for 69% and 71% of CT plants, respectively. The marketable potato tuber dry yields of MT and CT plants were 6400kg/ha and 4300kg/ha, respectively, and were equal to or higher than the average yield of that eight new maize varieties in 1999. The marketable potato tuber dry yields of MT and CT plants were 7500kg/ha and 5600kg/ha, respectively, and were equal to or higher than the average maize yield of eight farmers in a high-yield model demonstration in 2000. The data from the study revealed that MT might be used as an alternative seed tuber source for potato production in Karst mountain area. Also, seed tubers can be produced in Karst mountain area.
Guangxi Agricultural Sciences