

Validity research of panoramic radiograph in diagnosing the root resorption of incisors caused by impacted maxillary canines
摘要 目的:评价全口曲面断层片对上颌阻生尖牙造成的切牙牙根吸收诊断的有效性。方法:选取上颌尖牙阻生病例19例,拍摄全口曲面断层片及螺旋CT扫描,邀请10名口腔正畸学研究生通过曲面断层片判断阻生尖牙造成的切牙牙根吸收的数目和位置,以螺旋CT扫描结果为实际牙根吸收量,计算曲面断层片诊断的灵敏度和特异度。结果:曲面断层片对上颌尖牙阻生造成的切牙牙根吸收诊断的灵敏度为46.3%、特异度为86.5%。阴性诊断有一定的参考价值,阳性诊断因为缺少可靠的牙根吸收定性指标而准确性较低。结论:不能单独依靠曲面断层片做出是否存在切牙牙根吸收的诊断。 Objective: to evaluate the validity of panoramic radiograph in diagnosing the root resorption of incisors caused by impacted maxillary canines. Methods: 19 maxillary impacted canine cases which have both the panoramic radiograph and spiral CT test were selected. 10 orthodontics researchers were invited to decide the degree and location of incisor root resorption caused by impacted canines on panoramic radiograph. Taking the results of CT scan as the actual amount of root resorption, the sensitivity and specificity of the panoramic radiograph were calculated. Results: The sensitivity and specificity of diagnosing the incisor root resorption caused by impacted canine using panoramic radiograph is 46.3% and 86.5% respectively. That may be helpful in the negative diagnose of incisor root resorption caused by impacted canine, but the accuracy of positive conclusion is low because of the lack of a reliable parameter of root resorption. Conclusion: The diagnosis of incisor root resorption can not be made only by the results of panoramic radiograph.
出处 《口腔颌面修复学杂志》 2009年第5期269-271,279,共4页 Chinese Journal of Prosthodontics
关键词 上颌阻生尖牙 曲面断层片 螺旋CT扫描 牙根吸收 impacted maxillary canine panoramic radiographs spiral computed tomography root resorption
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