
“三鹿奶粉”系列案定性探疑 被引量:3

On the Conviction of the Series Cases of Sanlu Milk Powder
摘要 "三鹿奶粉"系列案涉及的、含有三聚氰胺的所谓"蛋白粉"是有害物质而不是有毒物质,添加者故意将其添加到原牛奶中并卖给"三鹿集团"的行为,在性质上属于生产、销售有害食品。制造并销售"蛋白粉"的行为不应当如法院判决的那样构成以危险方法危害公共安全罪,而应当与添加者的行为构成生产、销售有害食品罪的"连锁共犯"。"三鹿集团"的行为,应当以2008年8月1日检测报告出具明确结论为界分为两个阶段:在前一阶段,其直接负责的主管人员构成重大责任事故罪,在后一阶段,"三鹿集团"的行为在性质上属于生产、销售有害食品,与生产销售伪劣产品罪存在法条竞合;根据《刑法》第149条关于择一重罪处罚的规定,应按第140条的规定构成生产、销售伪劣产品罪;对"三鹿集团"直接负责的主管人员两个阶段的罪行应当数罪并罚。 Tbe so-called "protein powder" in the Sanlu infant milk powder contaminated by melamine is a kind of harmful non-food materials, not a poisonous non-food materials. So, deliberately adding the protein powder into the raw milk and selling the contaminated raw milk to Sanlu Group Co. Ltd. is the crime of producing and selling harmful food. The act of producing and selling "protein powder" does not commit the crime of employing dangerous means to endanger public security, but commit complicity with those who added the protein powder. The acts of Sanlu Group Co. Ltd. should be divided into two phases by the 1 st of August, 2008. In the former period, the persons in charge and other personnel committed the crime of negligently causing a serious accident. The act of latter phase of Sanlu Group Co. Ltd. is in nature the crime of producing and selling the harmful food, but according to the article 149, it is the crime of producing and selling fake and shoddy goods. Therefore, the governors in Sanlu Group Co. Ltd. should bear the criminal responsibility of two crimes.
作者 卢有学
机构地区 西南政法大学
出处 《西南政法大学学报》 2009年第5期51-58,共8页 Journal of Southwest University of Political Science and Law
关键词 “蛋白粉” 生产、销售有害食品罪 以危险方法危害公共安全罪 连锁共犯 重大责任事故罪 protein powder crime of producing and selling the harmful food crime of employing dangerous means to endanger public security the chain complicity crime of negligently causing a serious accident
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