
含左手材料的单、双层结构微波吸波材料设计 被引量:1

Design of Single and Double-layer Microwave Absorbing Materials Containing Left-handed Materials
摘要 提出了含左手材料的单层微波吸波结构及具有不同结构形式的双层微波吸波材料的设计方案。建立了用于描述其吸波性质的物理模型,利用转移矩阵方法逐一推导出了他们的吸波原理,提出了针对每种微波吸波材料结构的、在设计过程中必须遵从的设计原则。介绍了上述吸波结构的一般设计方法,并给出了经理论推导得出的、在设计过程中可能用到的计算公式。 Design schemes of single layered and double layered microwave absorbers with left handed materials and different structures were proposed. The physical models of the absorbers were built up to describe their wave-absorbing properties. Their working principles were successively derived employing transform matrix method, the design criteria, which had to follow during the design procedures, for each scheme of them were stated. General processes of designing the wave-absorbers were introduced, some theoretically derived formulae were given, which may be used in the design.
出处 《航空材料学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第6期102-106,共5页 Journal of Aeronautical Materials
关键词 微波 吸波材料 设计 左手材料 microwave absorbing materials design left-handed materials
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