
经胼胝体穹窿间入路显露丘脑内侧区域的显微解剖学研究 被引量:1

Microanatomical study of the transcallosal interforniceal approach to the medial thalamic region
摘要 目的研究经胼胝体穹窿间入路显露丘脑内侧区域的显微解剖,为临床应用提供依据。方法采用10具4%甲醛液固定、颅内动静脉乳胶灌注的成人尸头标本,模拟该入路。取自右额部发际内马蹄形切口,直径约5 cm的骨窗,逐步显露至丘脑内侧区域,显微镜下观察所显露的解剖结构。结果纵行切开胼胝体15 mm,在室间孔后上方分离透明隔间隙、穹窿体中间缝,沿两侧大脑内静脉之间可以显露丘脑内侧区。结论经胼胝体穹窿间入路经透明隔间隙进入,对周围结构损伤小,入路直接、安全,是显露丘脑内侧区域的较好入路。 Objective To investigate the microanatomy of the transcallosal interforniceal approach to the medial thalamicr region.Methods The intracranial vessels were perfused with colored silicone to trace the approach in ten adult cadaveric heads fixed in 10% formalin.A horseshoe incision was done inside the right frontal hairline.A 50mm×50mm bone opening was created.The medial thalamic region was exposed step by step.The anatomic structures were observed under microscope through the opening.Results After a 15mm longitudinal dissection of the corpus callosum and a split of the septum pellucidum interspace and the corpus callosum interspace above the foramen of monro were done,the medial thalamicr region was exposed between the internal cerebral veins.Conclusion The transcallosal interforniceal approach through the septum pellucidum interspace may need a limited corpus callosum and interforniceal splitting,and gain adequate visualization of the medial thalamicr region.The approach is safe and direct.
出处 《广东医学院学报》 2009年第5期485-487,共3页 Journal of Guangdong Medical College
基金 广东省医学科研基金立项课题(No.B2007165)
关键词 经胼胝体穹窿间入路 丘脑 显微解剖 transcallosal interforniceal approach thalamus microanatomy
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