为准确保存某型飞机火控系统的工作状态,用于地面监控维护和辅助飞行训练,研制一种采用SOPC技术的机载数据记录仪。根据飞机该系统数据传输特点及设备可靠性要求,系统采用NAND型F lash作为存储介质,以X il-inx提供的M icroB laze软核为控制核心,结合其提供的IP核和自定义IP,设计了FPGA与F lash和USB芯片CH375的接口,使用了F lash坏块管理和节电模式,有效提高了设备使用寿命。试验表明,该系统设计灵活性大,数据向主机传输速度接近1 MB/s,满足了实际需求,为监控飞机火控系统提供了可靠模式。
To save the information of one airborne fire control system accurately for the use of ground monitoring and flight training, an airborne data recorder was designed based on SOPC. According to the data transfer feature and the requirement to reliability, NAND Flash was used as storage media, and MicroBlaze was taken as the control center. By use of the free IP and User logic IP core of MicroBlaze, the interface of Flash with general purpose USB chip CH375 was designed. Bad block management and energy saving mode were adopted. The experiment showed that this low-cost system is flexible and user-friendly, and data transfer speed is close to 1 MB/s, which can satisfy the practical requirement. The system supplies a reliable mode for monitoring the fire control system of the airplanes.
Electronics Optics & Control