During the past year in Beijing,the presence of COFCO has become something hard to ignore.Be it the steaming hot Wugudaochang instant noodle adverts on buses,the flashing Fulinmen rice minipackages in the subways,or the eye-catching Mengniu milk,Leconte chocolate and Great Wall Wine sold in the supermarkets. They are all,of course,labeled'Made by COFCO', while the sub-line reads'Right from the field to your dinner table':The design of a'full industrial chain'is COFCO's president Ning's brand new weapon. Ning had a different strategy during his years at China Resources,a time when the company strived for markets in diverse industries like real estate,beverages, retail,textiles,power stations,pharmaceuticals and building materials.He appeared to be another John Pierpont Morgan,who had taken over America's financial industry and various businesses more than a century ago. Now however,by way of the'full industrial chain',Ning is waving goodbye to his'Morgan times'.
China Entrepreneur