
非草甘膦除草剂抗性作物的新发展 被引量:3

New Development of Non-glyphosate Herbicide-resistant Crops
摘要 从1996年开始种植抗草甘膦大豆及其后种植其他抗草甘膦作物以来,转基因抗除草剂作物迅速增长并引起杂草治理的更新。评述了非草甘膦除草剂抗性作物的现况、发展与未来。 Since the introduction of glyphosate-resistant soybean in 1996, and the subsequent introduction of other glyphosate-resistant crops, planting of transgenic herbicide-resistant crops has grown substantially, revolutionizing weed management where they have been available. This review was meant to provide a summary of the development current status, and possible future of herbicide-non-glyphosate resistant crops.
作者 苏少泉
机构地区 东北农业大学
出处 《农药》 CAS 北大核心 2009年第12期859-863,共5页 Agrochemicals
关键词 草铵膦 磺酰脲 咪唑啉酮 溴苯腈 原卟啉氧化酶抑制剂 对羟苯基丙酮酸氧化酶抑制剂 glufosinate sulfonylurea imidazolinone bromoxynil PPO inhibitor HPPD inhibitor
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