The purpose of this study was to assess the dietary calcium intake,food source and food-consumption pattern- We also evaluated the relationship between calcium intake and output of urine calcium. Altogether 154 postmenopausal women who had normal diet were recruited in urban areas of Jinan city. Dietary intake (7d)were recorded using food questionnaires. Twelve kinds of food were classified and intake of calcium,protein, energy, iron, vitaminB and vitamin C were calculated by using the Table of Food Component. The urine calcium output were exemined by the atomic absorption spectro photometric method. On average,the calcium intake was 349mg/d which only met 14%RDA;18%and66% of participants had dietary calcium below 200mg/d and 400mg/ d respectively. The Subjects consumed less milk and soybean products which were calcium rich. The output of urine calcium was 258+83mg/24h. The consumption of calcium was not significantly associated with urine calcium output(r = 0. 018,p 0. 05). We propose that an increase in milk and soybean products intake or calcium supplement to increase the calcium intake(RDA)to 1 000 1 200mg/d for postmenopausal women be necessary.
Liferatue and Information On Preventine Medicine
postmenopausal women dietary calcium nutrition survey