

The Technique Focus of Designing Anchor Fixed Length-critical Anchoring Length is Not Suitable for Upper-limit of Anchoring Length
摘要 阐述了锚杆锚固长度上限设置的不同观点和做法,分析了以临界锚固长度作为上限的设计方法的缺陷,提出了"合理锚固长度"的概念和设计方法以及较佳锚固长度上限的建议值。 Different views and practices of setting upper-limit of anchoring length are discussed, the defects of design method for taking critical anchoring length as upper-limit are analysed, and " the reasonable anchoring length' and its design method are proposed, and the adequate upper-limit of anchoring length are recommended.
出处 《广州建筑》 2009年第5期24-30,共7页 GUANGZHOU ARCHITECTURE
关键词 锚杆 锚固段 锚固段上限 临界锚固长度 合理锚固长度 anchor anchor fixed length upper limit of anchor fixed length critical anchoring length reasonable anchoring length
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