目的探索上肢严重高压电烧伤患者保留肘关节及其功能的手术方法。方法 1984年以来,设计背阔肌肌皮瓣单极移位修复肘部深度烧伤创面,同时以背阔肌作动力重建屈肘功能,使既往不得不被截除的肘关节得以保留,并恢复功能。结果运用该方法共治疗8例病人,10个肢体,移位肌皮瓣全部成活;6个肢体肘部创面甲级愈合,4个肢体经换药后愈合;5个肢体肘关节功能恢复良好,2个肢体经进一步肘关节松解术后,功能亦得以恢复,余3个肢体(2例)失访,结果不详。结论该手术方法优点显著,效果良好。
Objective This is to introduce a method for repairing and restoring the elbow joints and their function of the patients suffering from serious high-voltage electric burns in upper extremity. Methods We designed the transposition of latissimus dorsi myocutaneous flap (MCF) to repair the wounds of elbow, as well as restore the joint's flexion function by the motor power of the muscle. This procedure salvaged the elbow joints, which would have to be amputated before. Results 8 cases, 10 limbs were involved. All flaps survived completely and 6 of them had primary healing while the other 4 flaps healed after dressing changing. The elbow joints and their functions were satisfactorily restored in 5 limbs and the functions were also regained through further elbow joint release procedures in 2 limbs. The other 3 limbs (2 cases) lost contact with us and so the results were not clear. Conclusion This method has evident advantages and satisfactory results.
Electric burns
Latissimus dorsi musculocutaneous flap