

Effect of different pH regulation on fermentation of Klebsiella pneumoniae under aerobic condition
摘要 研究了有氧条件下,以粗甘油为底物,由克雷伯氏肺炎杆菌(Klebsiella pneumoniae)发酵生产1,3-丙二醇中不同通气量和3种不同的pH值调控方式(NaOH调控、NaOH和CaO联合调控、CaO调控)对菌体生长、1,3-丙二醇生成的影响。研究表明,空气通量为0.2L/min最适合1,3-丙二醇的生产,1,3-丙二醇的最终浓度为17.96g/L;在有氧条件下,通过CaO调控pH值,可获得最高菌体密度,当发酵进行至48h时,1,3-丙二醇浓度可达62.4g/L,明显优于其他2种调控方式的1,3-丙二醇的发酵结果。 The effect of different aeration conditions and pH regulation (NaOH regulation, NaOH and CaO regulation and CaO regulation) on growth ofKlrbsiella pneumoniae and production of 1,3-propanediol which obtained by fermentation with crude glycerol. The most appropriate aerobic con- dition for 1, 3-propanediol production is 0.2 L/min air. And the final concentration of 1, 3-propanediol were 17.96 g / L. The results were also shown that the maximal biomass could be obtained by CaO regulation,when the fermentation time was up to 48h, and the production of 1, 3-propanediol reached to 62.4 g / L, which was significantly higher than fermentation with the other two pH regulations.
作者 吕黎兵 杨博
出处 《中国酿造》 CAS 北大核心 2009年第12期65-67,共3页 China Brewing
基金 国家高技术发展计划项目(2006AA020103)
关键词 克雷伯氏肺炎杆菌 PH 有氧发酵 1 3-丙二醇 Klebsiella pneumoniae pH aerobic fermentation 1,3- propanediol
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