目的了解广西城乡居民求医行为偏好,为卫生决策者提供科学依据。方法应用分层随机抽样在灵川县城抽取240户家庭,灵川农村抽取1 000户家庭,资源县农村抽取160户家庭,共计1 400户家庭。应用定量调查表进行入户调查。结果调查完成有效问卷1 373份,68.12%的被访家庭在2个月内发生过求医行为,89.3%的就诊都是发生在县级以下医疗机构。农村家庭离最近的医疗机构距离中位数为500 m,县城家庭为200 m,步行到达时间在10 min左右。在选择就医机构方面,42.7%的被访者选择的是"离家近",其次分别是"医术高"、"病情较轻"。小孩发热时的处理强度显著性高于大人发热时的处理强度。结论广西农村、县城地区居民求医便利,农村居民的求医模式是"小病不出村,大病县医院"。农民的保健意识不强,对子女的健康关注程度相对较高。
Objective To investigate the treatment- seeking behavior preference of urban and rural residents in Guangxi Province, and to provide the scientific evidence for the decision - makers of health policy. Methods Totally 1,400 households were studied by using stratified random sampling method, including 240 households which were selected from Lingchuan County, 1,000 ones from the rural areas of Lingchuan, and 160 ones from the rural areas of Ziyuan County. Household survey was conducted by fixed quantity method in questionnaire. Results Totally 1,373 valid questionnaires were retrieved after investigation, 68.12 % of the investigated households had health care seeking behavior, and 89.3 % of them visited the medical institutions at lower county level. The median of distance between the nearest medical institutions and the rural households was .500 meters, the median of distance between the nearest medical institutions and the county households was 200 meters, and the walking arrival time was about 10 minutes. As for the factors for consideration of medical institution selection, 42.7 % of the respondents selected the nearby medical institutions, followed by the high- level medical institutions (25.0 % ) and mild disease condition (13.9 % ). The children's fever - treatment intensity was significantly higher than that of the adults. Conclusions It is convenient for the urban and rural residents of Guangxi Province to seek health care; the treatment- seeking model of the rural residents is that mild diseases are treated within the village clinics, while severe dis- eases are treated in the county- level hospitals. The health care consciousness of the peasants is weak, while the attention to the children's health is relatively higher.
Practical Preventive Medicine
Treatment- seeking behavior
Treatment- seeking preference