目的了解当前艾滋病网络直报工作存在的问题,以采取相应措施,进一步提高艾滋病疫情报告的质量,并为拟制定的管理指标提供参考依据。方法于2009年1月1日下载艾滋病网络直报系统中2008年报告HIV/AIDS的定时数据库及相关工作表,对艾滋病网络直报个案数据进行统计分析。结果2008年主要报告单位为疾病预防控制中心(占67.5%)和医院(占25.0%)。身份证号、工作单位、联系电话和填卡医生等非必填项则有一定比例空白项。2008年"传播途径"填写率达100%,但途径不详占16.9%。2008年流调率为90.2%,诊断后15 d内报告者占85.0%。结论2008年艾滋病报告及时率、流调率等较2006年、2007年进一步得到提高,针对存在的问题,在今后工作中针对性地加强。
Objective To evaluate the quality of HIV/AIDS online case reporting in 2008 for the purpose of improving reporting quality and providing a scientific basis for the establishment of indicators for management and evaluation. Methods The data and related working tables of national HIV/AIDS online case reporting in 2008 were downloaded in January, 2009, and the factors influencing reporting quality were analyzed. Results Of the case reported in 2008, 67.5% came from CDCs and 25.0 96 from hospitals. Some items such as numbers of identification cards, telephone, and work unit were missed. Transmission route was 100 % filled in and 16.9 % was not in detail. Epidemiological surveys were conducted on 90.2 96 of the cases and the data obtained were incorporated into the online reporting networks. 85 % of the cases were reported within 15 days after confirmation or diagnosis by WB. Conclusions The timeliness of case reporting and the rate of epidemiological survey in 2008 were much higher than those in 2006 and 2007. With the problems identified, improvement will have to be made in future work.
Practical Preventive Medicine
Online case reporting
Quality analysis