
城市景观三维可视化系统的应用研究——以青岛市为例 被引量:3

Study on Urban Landscape Three-dimensional Visualization System——Taking Qingdao City as an Example
摘要 为了全面、综合地安排城市空间,合理利用土地,实现对城市景观的合理规划和管理,对城市景观三维可视化系统进行了研究。利用数据三库(DEM、DOM、DLG)一体化管理的功能,并基于数字摄影测量工作站(DPW)在VRMAP软件下建立三维城市模型。利用航空相片,通过数字摄影测量工作站制作数字地面高程模型(DEM)及正射影像(DOM),两者通过地理坐标叠加套合,生成地表模型。然后对模型进行编辑和贴纹理,建筑物顶面的纹理可以从航空像片及DOM上提取,侧面的纹理要用数码相机在实地拍摄。对于独立地物(如树、电杆、花坛等)可用VRMODEL或3DMAX单独建立,力求形象逼真。对于建筑物、街道(包括路坎)、独立地物(包括树、路灯、花坛等)、三维注记等,将三维模型与地表模型精确套合,在统一的坐标体系中逼真表现三维景观,从而为三维空间信息的查询和分析奠定了基础。对城市实体的数据进行采集与数字建模,并将三维城市景观模型应用到城市景观设计,城市景观规划,城市景观评价,城市景观设施查询等领域,建立三维可视化应用系统,实现对应用系统的三维可视化操作和分析。结果表明上述方法切实可行,所形成的城市景观三维系统能够实现对城市景观的规划和管理。 In order to make a reasonable arrangement of urban space,make rational use of land on the urban landscape to achieve a reasonable planning and management, the urban landscape of three-dimensional visualization system was studied.In this paper, basing on three library data (DEM, DOM, DLG )integration of management function, and digital photogrammetry workstation (DPW), three-dimensional model of the city was built. By using of air photographs, through digital photogrammetric station on the ground elevation making model (DEM and DOM ), the geographical coordinates were superimposed together, and the surface model was generated. And then, the model was edited and texture pasted. Top surface texture of the buildings was extracted from the air and photograph on DOM. Obhque texture was obtained on the ground by digital camera. Independent features (such as trees,poles,flower beds,etc.)could be used to establish separate VRMODEL or 3DMAX for seeking realistic image. In order to review the real performance of three - dimensional landscape in the unified system of coordinates, in buildings, streets ( including Horn Road ), independent features (including trees, street lamps, parterre, etc. ), three- dimensional notes, and so on, three- dimensional model and surface model were nested precisely. This method made the foundation for three-dimensional space of information inquiry and analysis. Applying it to the urban landscape design, landscape planning, urban planning, evaluation of the urban landscape, and landscape landscape facilities inquiry, three -dimensional visualization application system was set up, and the application system for visualization and analysis operations was realized. The results showed that the above practical method was practicable, and the urban landscape of three-dimensional system could be realized in planning and management of urban landscape.
出处 《现代农业科技》 2009年第22期254-256,259,共4页 Modern Agricultural Science and Technology
基金 北京市教委科技计划面上项目"新农村建设中乡村景观的建设与保护研究" 北京农学院基础科学基金项目
关键词 城市景观 三维模型 可视化 数据库 山东青岛 urban landscape three-dimensional model visualization database Qingdao Shandong
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