

摘要 解决投资争端国际中心是世界上最重要的解决投资争端机构,其法律适用是中心仲裁机制最重要也是争议最多的问题之一。文章以《华盛顿公约》第42条第1款为视角,分析本规定的字面含义和制定的历史,结合中心的仲裁实践来讨论中心仲裁机制在当事人没有合意选择准据法时的法律适用问题。
作者 唐雅
机构地区 中山大学法学院
出处 《学术论坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第11期123-129,共7页 Academic Forum
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  • 1Aron Broches, The convention on the settlement of investment disputes between states and nationals of other states: Applicable law and default procedure, in Selected Essays--World Bank, ICSID arid other subjects of public and private International lwa, Kluwer Academic Publishers,1995, P. 184.
  • 2Memorandum from the General Counsel and Draft Report of the Executive Directors to accompany the Convention, Jan. 19, 1965, Document No. 128, in History of the ICSID Convention,supra note 4, at 962.
  • 3Summary Proceedings of the Legal Committee Meeting, Dec. 7, 1964, Document No. 81 ,in History of the ICSID Convention, in History of the ICSID Convention. Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes between States and Nationals of Other States, Documents Concerning the Origin and the Formation of the Convention, Vol. Ⅱ (hereinafter History of the ICSID Convention) ( 1968), at 802.
  • 4Summary Proceedings of the Legal Committee Meeting, December 7, 1964, Document No. 81, in History of the ICSID Convention. Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes between States and Nationals of Other States, Documents Concerning the Origin and the Formation of the Convention, Vol. Ⅱ (hereinafter History of the ICSID Convention) (1968) ,at 804.
  • 5Report of the Executive Directors on the Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes between States and Nationals of Other States, Mar. 18, 1965, Document No. 145, in History of the ICSID Convention, in History of the ICSID Convention. Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes between States and Nationals of Other States, Documents Concerning the Origin and the Formation of the Convention, Vol. Ⅱ(hereinafter History of the ICSID Convention) (1968), at 1082.
  • 6Aron. Broches, The Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes between States and Nationals of Other States, 136 Collected Courses of The Hague Academy of International Law 331 (1972) , at 392.
  • 7Moshe Hirsch, The Arbitration Mechanism of the International Centre lor the Settlement of Investment Disputes 138 (1993).
  • 8Klockner v. Cameroon, Ad Hoe Committee Decision, May 3, 1985 (hereinafter KIoekner First Ad Hoe Committee Decision), 2 ICSID Rep. 95 (1994), at 117.
  • 9Klbckner First Ad Hoc Committee Decision, Ad Hoc Committee Decision, May 3, 1985 ( hereinafter Klockner First Ad Hoc Committee Decision), 2 ICSID Rep. 95 (1994), at 121 -122 (paras. 67 -69).
  • 10Klbckner First Ad Hoc Committee Decision, Ad Hoc Committee Decision, May 3, 1985 (hereinafter Klockner First Ad Hoc Committee Decision), 2 ICSID Rep. 95 (1994) ,at122 (paras 69).








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