Objective: To review our experience of management of desmoid tumors of gluteal region in children. Methods: Thirteen cases of desmoid tumors of gluteal region were studied retrospectively. Results: The tumors involved gluteus maximus(13), gluteus medius(11), gluteus minimus(6), tensor fasciae latae(4), piriformis(4), periostium of ilium(9), ilium bone(6) and sacro iliac joint(4). Seven patients had tumour extension into the pelvis cavity via greater sciatic notch. Post operatively, nine patients were followed up for a mean period of 3 years and four months (range:1 8 years). Tumour recurred in three patients. Conclusions: Desmoid tumors are locally invasive and prone to recur after excision. Malignant change is unlikely. Wide excision is advised to minimize recurrence.
Chinese Journal of Pediatric Surgery