In compar ison with the advanced level in the World, the mine scraper conveyor made in China has a long way to go in reliability, free run time and performances.Therefore the research works should be speeded up for the followings. Firsf, it is to speed up the development of side dumping scraper conveyor,specially the development of a 2×400 KW heavy duty side dumping conveyor with a capacity of 1500 t/h. Second,it is to increase the effective pewer of coal transportation by betten closed pan, side dumping device, hollow seraper and rational Pretensioning. To inerease the reliability of the parts, the research works should be focused on middle pan, connecting parts, annular chain and chian connection ring. It's also to improve the tetal perfomances (as development of lower driven head and development of chainless driven to chian rack driven) , to increase the supply power voltage of electric motor and develop a monitoring system of total performences.
Coal Science and Technology