
吐鲁番地区枣实蝇发生规律 被引量:13

Occurrence of Carpomya vesuviana in Turpan region
摘要 2007年9月至2008年10月,对吐鲁番地区枣实蝇Carpomya vesuviana Costa的发生区域、危害寄主种类、生活史、生物学特性进行初步调查与研究:枣实蝇发生在吐鲁番市和鄯善县的大部分乡镇以及托克逊县的夏乡和河东乡;枣实蝇可危害当地种植的所有枣树品种以及野生酸枣;该虫1年发生2~3代,世代重叠,以蛹越冬,翌年5月中旬成虫开始羽化,6月中旬枣树头棚果初次膨大时开始产卵,幼虫孵化后即蛀食,9月下旬老熟幼虫脱落枣果钻入树盘土壤中化蛹越冬;雌雄成虫均需补充营养,寿命可达45d,成虫对绿色、黄色和青色敏感,具多次交配习性,单雌平均怀卵量为16粒,最多达26粒。 The distribution, natural hosts, life history and biology of Carpomya vesuviana Costa was preliminarily investigated in Turpan region from September 2007 to October 2008. The primary distribution area of C. vesuviana in Turpan region located in ahnost towns in Turpan city and Shanshan county, and in Xia town and Hedong town in Toksun County. The fly may damage all varieties of jujube including the wild ones, but not the other melons and fruits mainly planted in Turpan region. It occurred 2 or 3 overlapping generations one year and overwintered as pupa in the soil under the jujube. Adults emerged in mid-May, and laid eggs in the surface of the jujube fruits in mid-June. The larva began to eat the flesh once hatching. The final instar larvae wriggled out of the fruits, and dropped down into the soil under the tree to pupate for overwintering in late September. Both female and male adults need food for smvival after eclosion. Adults can live up to 45 days given enough food. Adults were sensitive to green, yellow and cyan. Both female and male adults exhibited multiple mating behavior. The mean egg amount of single female adult was 16, and the maximum amount could be 26.
出处 《昆虫知识》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第6期930-934,F0002,共6页 Entomological Knowledge
基金 新疆维吾尔自治区林业科技专项"枣树重大检疫性生物灾害应急检疫监控技术研究" 新疆维吾尔自治区科技攻关重大专项"枣实蝇防治和监控研究"资助
关键词 枣实蝇 分布 寄主 生活史 生物学特性 防治 Carpomya vesuviana, distribution, host, life history, biology, control
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