Since the application of fully mechanized coal mining in Yangquan Coal mine Admini.tration, Shanxi, the percentage of the coal production from the fully mechanized mining coalfaces has been continuously increased in the total production of the Administration and the coal production has reached to 55.42% of the total production. The max. face production is up to 110,000 t/month and 6,000 t/day. Those have obviously shown the advantages of the fully mechanized mining. This paper discussed the characteristics of the gas emission from highly gassy coalfae in multi-seam mining. Based on great information from site investigation and measurement, the paper analyzed and studied the relationship between the coal production and gas emission at a normal production condition of a coalface. The paper has given a formulation for the relationship. After the measurement and study of gas sources from mining seam and adjacent seam, the paper provided the gas emission Law of the mining seam and adjacent seam which is used in mine practice. In the end of the paper, it presented the technical recautions and results of gas control technology in the coalface.
Coal Science and Technology