
守护默顿与超越默顿——伯纳德·巴伯的科学社会学理论评析 被引量:2

Stick to Merton and Surpass Him--Bernard Barber's Sociology of Science Theory
摘要 作为默顿学派的重要代表之一,伯纳德·巴伯一方面遵循了默顿的科学社会学研究范式,促使科学社会学走向成熟;另一方面,巴伯在"默顿范式"的基础上进一步拓展了科学与社会关联的维度,超越了默顿对科学的社会学理解。与默顿不同的是,巴伯所提到的科学精神特质本质上是一种先在的客观的社会文化,这种文化先于科学而存在,这与默顿的被视为是一种科学社会共同体内生物的科学精神价值有着本质的区别,巴伯的这一社会文化指向也是科学社会学研究的一种新视野。 Many people have paid more and more attention to the interaction between science, technology and society since the Industrial Revolution, because science and technology have shown up their strong power. They try to identify the essence of science and technology from many perspectives. Sociology of science is one of the schools of thought which study science. And it still has great influence nowadays.Bernard Barber is one of most prominent experts in this domain except Robert K Merton who we all know.Though Barber has done a lot for the development of sociology of science and made brilliant achievement in this field, he is not noticed and well studied by many of the experts in China. In fact, Barber's theory in sociology of science may be of great value for those who want to make better understanding to the relation between science and society.
作者 罗永仕
机构地区 中央党校哲学部
出处 《科学学与科学技术管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第12期5-9,共5页 Science of Science and Management of S.& T.
关键词 科学社会学 科学精神 科学的本质 社会文化 sociology of science the spirits of science the essence of science social culture
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