
威权体制是如何运作的? 被引量:2

摘要 周雪光文章与强世功文章的共同之处是关注治理而非改革或体制变迁,既关注正式规则也关注非正式规则,关注做法多于关注文本。两篇文章的主要区别在于抽象层次及探究深度。周文"组织做法"基本上是强文探讨的一般宪法原则的微观变体。两位作者令人信服地指出,有持久的规则塑造中国政治精英之间的行为模式。不过,这些规则是什么,宪法原则与其它制度(及临时政治妥协)的区别何在,仍有待进一步研究。 Common features of the articles by Xueguang Zhou and Jiang Shigong include attention to governance rather than reform or regime change, to informal as well as formal rules, and to practice over texts. The essays differ mainly in their level of abstraction and the reach of their findings. But even here, Zhou's "organizational practices" are essentially micro-level variants of the broader, constitutional principles that Jiang explores. Both authors make a persuasive case that there are abiding rules that pattern behavior between Chinese political elites, though what these rules are, and what distinguishes constitutional principles from other institutions (and temporary political compromises) awaits further study.
出处 《开放时代》 CSSCI 2009年第12期56-60,共5页 Open Times
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