

Adaptive Multicast Routing for MANET Based on Greedy Cover Set
摘要 MANET所具有的分布式、多跳、自组织、动态拓扑、时变信道、资源受限等特点,使得传统的有线网和有中心无线网络的路由算法和协议无法在MANET中直接应用,为此需要根据MANET的特点设计专门的组播路由算法和协议.结合基于Mesh和基于树形转发结构两类MANET组播路由的优点,提出一种基于贪婪覆盖集(Greedy Set Cover)的MANET组播路由算法ADMMR(Adaptive Distributed MANET Multicast Route based on Greedy Set Cover),节点可以动态地、分布式计算各自的转发列表,根据转发列表进行组播数据的转发,节省有限的带宽,减少信道冲突,降低网络负载,提高算法的总体性能.最后运用OP-NET验证了该算法的有效性. These special characteristics such as distributed, multi-hop, self-organizing, dynamic topology, time-variant channels, and limited resources etc make the traditional routing algorithms and protocols for wired networks and centered wireless networks cant be used in mobile ad hoc networks directly. So the appropriative multicast muting algorithms and protocols for mobile ad hoc networks must be designed. In the paper, Combining merits between the Mesh-based and the Tree-based MANET multicast protocol, we proposed ADMMR protocol ( Adaptive Distributed Multicast Route based on Greedy Set Cover), whose node can computes forward list dynamically and distributed. This mechanics can save the limited bandwidth, decrease the channel collision and reduce the total overhead of the MANET. At last, the ADMMR is validated by OPNET.
出处 《小型微型计算机系统》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第12期2326-2330,共5页 Journal of Chinese Computer Systems
关键词 MANET组播 自适应 分布式 ADMMR MANET multicast adaptive distributed ADMMR
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