
精密压阻弹性体及力敏传感器阵列 被引量:5

Precious Piezoresistance Elastomer and Pressure Sensitive Sensor Arrays
摘要 将金属钌(Ru)、二氧化钌(RuO2)、甲基乙烯基硅橡胶(PMVS)按特定比例混合,所得导电硅橡胶中的导电颗粒具有适当的聚集特性,而且该种导电硅橡胶呈现良好的压阻重复性和压阻敏感性。研究不同尺寸电极的压阻行为,发现此种导电硅橡胶在毫米尺寸以上电阻随载荷变化稳定,重复性较高。通过测量不同尺寸电极压阻关系和电阻弛豫关系,拟合了用于回归载荷的压阻曲线和弛豫曲线,用该曲线对每个传感单元的阻值校正,得到阵列上的载荷分布。结果表明,该种导电硅橡胶在一定尺寸范围内满足微型化要求,适用于集成的压阻弹性体应力测量阵列;利用该种导电硅橡胶,可以实现毫米尺度的静态或准动态载荷灰度成像。 Ruthenium nanoparticles, fabricated by using polyol method were thermall oxided for yielding ruthenium oxide nanocrystals. By mixing the nanoparticles of nanosize ruthenium and its oxide with silicone rubber and vulcanization, the composite exhibits excellent piezoresistant sensitivity and reproducibility. The measurements of piezoresistance on various size electrodes show that the material has a stable and repeatable load sensitive resistance variation above size limit of millimeter. The electrode arrays and electronic circuits for the measurement of planar stress distribution have been fabricated. The piezoresistance and relaxation curves for the reproducing load on the elements were fitting by measuring the piezoresistance and resistance relaxation plots. The load on the elements was corrected and the load distribution on the arrays was measured. The results show that the material can satisfy the minimizing requirements at certain size scale for the application as integrated stress sensor arrays based on piezoresistance elastomer. Using this material, the visualization of static or quasi-dynamic load distribution can be achieved at millimeter scale.
出处 《传感技术学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第11期1547-1552,共6页 Chinese Journal of Sensors and Actuators
基金 国家自然科学基金资助(10576008)"用于高性能力敏传感器的有序纳米材料复合薄膜的制备和性能研究"
关键词 压阻导电橡胶 触觉传感器阵列 成像 piezoresistance conducting rubber pressure sensor arrays imaging
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