
氧化铝-氧化锆纳米复合渗透陶瓷低温补偿代型材料适合性研究 被引量:2

Study on adaptation of low-temperature compensative die stone for alumina-zirconia nano-composite infiltrated ceramic copings
摘要 目的研究氧化铝-氧化锆纳米复合渗透陶瓷低温补偿代型材料的适合性。方法在一个标准代型基础上分别制备8个氧化铝-氧化锆纳米复合渗透陶瓷底层冠,粘结后测定低温补偿代型材料的适合性。结果采用低温补偿代型材料制作的氧化铝-氧化锆纳米复合渗透陶瓷表现出良好的适合性,平均绝对边缘间隙量57.42μm,在120μm的临床可接受范围内。结论氧化铝-氧化锆纳米复合渗透陶瓷低温补偿代型材料具有良好的适合性。 Objective To evaluate the accuracy of adaptation of the low temperature compensative die stone for alumina-zirconia nano-composite infiltrated ceramic copings. Methods Alumina-zirconia nano-composite infiltrated ceramic copings were fabricated and their accuracy of adaptation was measured respectively. Results The low-temperature compensative die stone for alumina-zirconia nano-composite infiltrated ceramic copings exhibited high accuracy of adaptation: the mean absolute margin of the base copings was 57.42μm,and in the clinical receiving range of 120μm. Conclusion The adaptation of the low temperature compensative die stone for alumina-zirconia nano composite infiltrated ceramic copings can meet the clinical require.
出处 《重庆医学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第23期2948-2950,共3页 Chongqing medicine
关键词 纳米复合渗透陶瓷 低温补偿 适合性 代型 nano-composite infiltrated ceramic low-temperature compensative adaptation die stone
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