

Characteristics of the Political Transformation of Indonesian Authority
摘要 1998年5月苏哈托下台后,印尼进入了威权政治转型时期。从1998年5月迄今,哈比比、瓦希德、梅加瓦蒂和苏西洛都采取了一系列政治改革措施,致力于推动印尼的政治民主化进程。本文试图从六个方面——转型方式、推动力量、泛政治化、程序民主、军队和伊斯兰教来分析印尼威权政治转型的特点。 On May 21,1998,Soharto was compelled to resign and from this date Indonesia started its transformation of authority politics.From May 1998 to date,Habibie,Wahid,Megawati and Susilo have taken a series of politics reform measures to promote the process of politics democratization in Indonesia.This article attempts to analyze the characteristics of Indonesian authority political transformation from six aspects such as transitional way,impelling force,pan-politicization,procedure democracy,army and Islamism.
作者 张月
出处 《阜阳师范学院学报(社会科学版)》 2009年第6期124-127,共4页 Journal of Fuyang Normal University:Social Science Edition
基金 2008年度阜阳师范学院人文社会科学研究青年项目(2008WQ02)
关键词 印尼 威权政治转型 民主 特点 Indonesia Authority political transformation Democracy Characteristics
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