
空气源热泵热水器能效评价指标研究 被引量:17

Research of Energy Efficiency Evaluation Index of Air Source Heat Pump Water Heater
摘要 目前市场上销售的热泵热水器产品的能效均采用COP标注,由于测试条件不同,其标注的COP值具有很大的迷惑性。本文通过自行设计的空气源热泵热水器样机模拟数据说明了COP作为一个瞬时量评价热泵热水器的能效具有较大的局限性。而应采用过程量作为能耗评价指标,为此提出加热周期能效系数和全年能效系数的概念,分别用来反映热水温度变化对热水器能耗的影响和热泵热水器在某一地区应用的全年能效情况。用这两个参数评价空气源热泵热水器的能效较COP更合理。 Now using Coefficient of Performance(COP) as the index to evaluate the efficiency of heat pump water heater(HPWH) is very common in the market,however,the COP which manufactures giving is very puzzling because the testing conditions are different each other.The limitation of using COP,an instantaneous parameter,as the index to evaluate HPWH was showed through the simulation results of the air source heat pump water heater(ASHPWH) designed in this paper.The results showed that the index of energy efficiency evaluation should adopt some process parameters. Therefore, the definitions of heating cycle energy efficiency coefficient (HCEEC) and annual energy efficiency coefficient (AEEC) were put forward, which were used to reflect the effect on energy consumption of the change of the heating water temperature and the all the year round energy efficiency of HPWH in some location, respectively. Compared with COP, it is more reasonable using the two parameters to evaluate the efficiency of ASHPWH.
出处 《流体机械》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第11期69-73,共5页 Fluid Machinery
基金 广东省教育部产学研结合项目(2008B080501013)
关键词 空气源热泵热水器 能效评价 加热周期能效系数 全年能效系数 heat pump water heater energy efficiency evaluation heating cycle energy efficiency coefficient annual energy efficiency coefficient
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