

A Research on Quality Construction of High and Stable Yield Farmland Based on Land Consolidation——A case study of Huangshi City
摘要 通过基于土地整理的高产稳产农田建设研究,探索土地整理数量向质量进一步转变的途径,对提高农田质量,具有重要的理论与现实意义。在阐述耕地质量概念和高产稳产农田建设基本要求的基础上,进一步分析黄石市高产稳产农田建设现状,并结合黄石市高产稳产农田建设内容与要求,提出需要在土地整理中加大土壤改良力度、中低产田改造、改善农户田间投入与管理水平、建立保护高产农田质量的长效机制等四方面加以重点建设,以期对我国土地整理与高产稳产农田建设的深化有所推动。 It is of theoretic and practical significance to explore the ways to divert the land consolidation from quantity to quality and to improve the quality of farmland based on the research into the construction of high and stable yield farmland. This paper explains the concept of farmland quality and analyze the construction status quo of high and stable yield farmland in Huangshi City, concluding that emphasis should be put on improving soil fertility, reforming the medium and low yield farmland, improving farm devotion and management, and setting up the long-term mechanism of farmland protection in the construction of high and stable yield farmland of that city, in order to promote the development of land consolidation and high and stable yield farmland.
出处 《国土资源科技管理》 2009年第6期122-126,共5页 Scientific and Technological Management of Land and Resources
基金 湖北省国土资源厅科技计划项目资助--高产稳产农田质量综合评价体系研究(ETZ 2007B02)
关键词 高产稳产农田 土壤肥力 土地整理 黄石市 high and stable yield farmland soil fertility land consolidation Huangshi City
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