
睾酮凝胶体外透皮吸收的特征 被引量:1

In vitro transdermal absorption peculiarity of testosterone gel
摘要 目的建立睾酮凝胶剂体外透皮吸收试验方法并考察其体外经皮吸收特性。方法采用单室扩散池,大鼠皮肤作为试验材料,以乙醇-生理盐水(3:7,V/V)为接收液,恒温32℃,分别于设定时间取样,用HPLC法测定接受液中睾酮含量。结果累积渗透量Q(μg·cm^(-2)对t(h)进行线性回归,方程为Q=108.706 9 t+65.4318,r=0.996 8,求算透皮速率常数J为108.7μg·cm^(-2)·h^(-1)。结论所建立的体外透皮吸收模型和方法可以较好评价睾酮凝胶剂的体外透皮吸收特性。 A/M To establish a method for transdennal absorption experiments in vitro of testosterone gel and evaluate its skin permeation in-vitro. METHODS The in-vitro skin permeation of the testosterone gel was characterized on rat skin by using Franz diffusion cell. The receiving solution was ethanol-normal saline (3:7, V/V),and the temperature was maintained at 32℃. Samples were withdrawn from the receiving solution at certain time intervals, and the concentration of testosterone was measured by HPLC. RESULTS The linear regressive analysis for the cumulative permeation quantity (Q) and the time (t) was carried out.The equation was Q = 108. 706 9t + 65.431 8, r = 0.996 8.The transdermal speed constant(J) of the gel was 108.7 μg·cm^-2· h ^-1. CONCLUSION The established in vitro transdermal test can be used to evaluate the permeation behavior of testosterone gel.
出处 《中国临床药学杂志》 CAS 2009年第6期353-355,共3页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Pharmacy
关键词 透皮吸收 睾酮 凝胶 高效液相色谱 transdermal absorption testosterone gel HPLC
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