Objective: To investigate the morphological characters and influencing fac tors of the edjustment response in the gastric microcirculation during the develop ment of liver cirrhosis and portal hypertension(LC-PHT) in rats. Methods: A technique of morphological measuration was utilized, with two stages, to ob serve the changes of the gastric microvascular system(GMS) in LC-PHT rats re duced by TAA injection. Changes of portal venous pressure(PVP) and hepatic function were also measured. Resultst:① The diameter of gastric mucosal mi crovessels (DGMM ) and the proportion of submucosal venules diameter (PSmVD) were increase in LC-PHT rats(P<0.05 and 0. 01 ). thence an ob vious congestion in GMS was observed. ② Ectasias and congestion in GMS were mainly showed in LC- PHT-Ⅱ rats (P< 0. 05 and 0.01 ).③ There is rather severe changing of PSmVD than that of DGMM and especially the PSmVD in LC-PHT-Ⅱ rats was larger than that in LC-PHT-1 rats (P<0. 05). ④ Increasing of DGMM and PSmVD occured simultaneously with changing of GPT and ALB but did not with PVP and A/G. ⑤ There was a posi tive relation between PSmVD and DGMM in LC-PHT rats (r = 0. 747. P<0. 001 ). Conclusions: Ectasias and congestion in GMS are the main morphologi Cal characters of the adjustment responses in the gastric microcirculation to the status of chronic PHT. The changing course developes chronically and continu ously, and occurs mainly in a relative later stage. It is influenced mainly by both maintaining and advancing of PHT, without excepting the hepatic function and the changeability in GMS itself. It is likely to be rational, thence, to regard the existence of the submucosal arterovenous anastomoses resulted from PHT as an important factor advancing ectasias and congestion in GMS to a higher degree grdually.
Chinese Journal of Microcirculation
Liver cirrhosis
Portal hypertension
Adjust ment