In most countries, the relation between the government (politics and public administration) and business plays a significant role in the operation of the economic activities, economic decision-making and business strategies. In the post-Soviet countries of Central Asia, the existing government- business relation has shown great differences and is not only the internal result of the reform strategy but also influences the further system reform. This paper aims at understanding how various governmentbusiness relations of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan influence the development of these countries market economy institutional framework and mainly focuses on the two aspects of the government-business relations among Central Asian countries: both the content of the pattern (depends on agents preferences and their relative powers) and the consistency of the formal and informal systems.
Russian Studies
德国大众基金会资助课题“中亚新兴市场经济体:制度对改革进程的补充作用”(“Emerging Market Economies in Central Asia: The Role of Institutional Complementarities in Reform Processes”)的中期成果之一