2Yong Li Yao~1 Bo Xu~2 Wan Dai Zhang~1 Yu Gang Song~1 ~1Institute of Gastrointestinal Diseases,Nanfang Hospital,First Military Medical University,Guangzhou 510515,Guangdong Province,China ~2Department of Orthopedics Nanfang Hospital,First Military Medical University,Guangzhou 510515,Guangdong Province,ChinaYong Li Yao graduated from First Military Mcdical University with a master degree in 1998.She now works in the Institute of Gastrointestinal Diseases,Nanfang Hospital as a doctoral candidate majoring gastrointestinal diseases and gastrointestinal hormones,she has published 8 papers..Gastrin,somatostatin,and experimental disturbance of the gastrointestinal tract in rats[J].World Journal of Gastroenterology,2001,7(3):399-402. 被引量:12
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