
国外反垄断法中的宽免制度比较研究 被引量:3

Comparative Study on Leniency Program of Anti-monopoly Law Abroad
摘要 宽免制度滥觞于1978年美国司法部制订的针对反托拉斯法行为的宽免政策。目前,约有20个国家(地区)规定了宽免制度。虽然各国适用宽免制度的目的大都是为了通过垄断组织内部成员的揭发举报行为,降低各国反垄断实施成本,提高效率,但是,对于宽免制度的具体内容各国规定在适用主体、实施主体、宽免幅度等方面略有不同。我国2007年通过的《中华人民共和国反垄断法》中亦规定了宽免制度,2009年7月1日出台的《工商行政管理机关查处垄断协议、滥用市场支配地位案件程序规定》中也包括涉及宽免制度部分内容,但是我国对宽免制度的设计仍有不足之处,亟待完善。 Leniency program was firstly established in 1978 by US Department of Justice. Currently, there are approximately twenty countries have formulated leniency program. Leniency program in most of the countries are aiming for lowering cost of implementation and raising efficiency by partners exposing misconduct in monopoly organization. However, different countries have different provision of leniency program, e.g. subject of leniency program, enforcing organizations, applying condition. The leniency policy has also been regulated in the Anti-monopoly Law of People's Republic of China issued in 2007 and some contents of leniency policy has been included in Provisions on the Procedures for the Administrative Departments for Industry and Commerce to Investigate and Handle Cases of Monopolization Agreements and Abuse of Dominant Market Position issued in July, 1st, 2007. The design of leniency policy of China possesses defects and needs to be perfected.
作者 李敏
出处 《中南林业科技大学学报(社会科学版)》 2009年第6期45-48,共4页 Journal of Central South University of Forestry & Technology(Social Sciences)
关键词 反垄断法 宽免制度 适用范围 实施主体 宽免幅度 anti-monopoly law leniency program applying condition enforcing organization scope of leniency
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