
一种改进型BiCMOS带隙基准源的仿真设计 被引量:1

Simulation and Design of an Improved BiCMOS Band-Gap Reference
摘要 依据带隙基准原理,设计了一种基于90 nm BiCMOS工艺的改进型带隙基准源电路。该电路设置运算跨导放大器以实现低压工作,用共源-共栅MOS管提高电路的电源抑制比,并加设了新颖的启动电路。HSPICE仿真结果表明,在低于1.1 V的电源电压下,所设计的电路能稳定地工作,输出稳定的基准电压约为610 mV;在电源电压VDD为1.2 V、温度27℃、频率为10 kHz以下时,电源噪声抑制比约为-45 dB;当温度为-40-120℃时,电路的温度系数约为11×10-6℃,因此该基准源具有低工作电压、高电源抑制比、低温度系数等性能优势。 Based on band-gap reference principle, an improved band-gap reference circuit was designed with 90 nm BiCMOS technology. The circuit used the operational trans-conductanee amplifiers (OTA) to achieve low vohage operation and a cascode MOS transistor to improve the power supply rejection ratio (PSRR), and added a new start-up circuit. HSPICE simulation results show that the circuit works stable and keeps stable output voltage of 610 mV, when the supply voltage is less than 1.1 V. When the supply voltage is 1.2 V, the temperature is 27 ℃ and the frequency is below 10 kHz, PSRR can reach about -45 dB and when the temperature changes from - 40 to 120 ℃, the circuit of temperature coefficient is about 11 × 10^-6/℃ .The designed reference circuit has advantages of low voltage, high PSRR and low temperature coefficient, etc.
出处 《半导体技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第12期1227-1230,共4页 Semiconductor Technology
基金 国家"863"计划项目(2006AA10Z258)
关键词 带隙基准源 BiCMOS器件 电源抑制比 温度系数 band-gap references BiCMOS devices PSRR temperature coefficient
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