Zn contents in soils of plantation bases for vegetable and fruit of Panxi, Siehuan Province were studied through sampling and analysis at assigned regions and sites. The results showed that the average Zn content was between 75. 0 and 160mg/kg in this area. The rank of average Zn content of the soil in the bases is as follows: Salian Vegetable Base 〉 Panlian Vegetable Base 〉 Huili Pomegranate Base 〉 Datian Pomegranate Base 〉 Xiqu Mango and Longan Base 〉 Renhe Mango Base 〉 Yanbian Mango and Loquat Base. The Zn contents in three of the seven bases were beyond the Class Ⅱ of the environmental standard of soil. The Zn content in Datian Pomegranate Base got the most that was higher than standard by 16%, while the highest average value appeared in the two vegetables bases.
Sichuan Environment