
复方通络中药改善肥胖患者血管内皮细胞功能障碍研究 被引量:2

Research on the Effect of Chinese Herbal Meridian Deoppilant Compound on Vascular Endothelial Cell Dysfunction of Obese Patients
摘要 目的观察复方通络中药对单纯性肥胖患者血管内皮依赖性舒张功能障碍的干预效应,探讨其作用机制。方法应用高分辨血管超声检查选择血管内皮依赖性舒张功能障碍[以血流介导的肱动脉扩张率(FMD)表示]肥胖患者(65例),随机分为通络中药治疗组和对照组。治疗组32例,对照组33例。治疗组给予辛香疏络2号胶囊,3g/次,每日3次;对照组给予淀粉胶囊,3g/次,每日3次。共用药12周,分别测定用药前后FMD、肱动脉内径(DO),同时检测辛香疏络2号治疗前后患者血清总胆固醇(TC)、三酰甘油(TG)的变化。结果治疗后治疗组FMD较对照组明显增加(P < 0.01),TC、 TG较治疗前及对照组明显下降(P<0.01)。结论复方通络中药辛香疏络2号胶囊可明显改善肥胖患者血管内皮障碍,调节血脂可能是其改善血管内皮功能机制之一。 Objective To observe the effects of Chinese herbal meridian and vessel deoppilant compound on the dysfunction of endothelium-dependent dilation (EDD) of simple obesity patients, and explore its mechanism. Methods Sixty-five obese patients with dysfunction of EDD (denoted by FMD: flow mediated brachial artery vasodilatation rate) were found through the preliminary high-resolution vascular ultrasound check, and randomized into the therapy group (treated with Chinese herbal meridian and vessel deoppilant compound) and the control group. The therapy group took Xinxiang Shuluo 2# capsules three times a day, 3 gram each time, and the control group was given the same doses of starch capsules. The experiment lasted 12 weeks. Before and after the experiment, FMD and inner diameter of brachial arteries (DO) of all the patients were measured, and the changes of total cholesterol (TC) and trigiyceride (TG) in serum were compared. Results FMD of the therapy group was significantly higher than the control group (P〈O.01). TC and TG levels of the therapy group were significantly lower than before the treatment and the control group (P〈0.01). Conclusion EDD has been significant improved after the treatment of Chinese herbal meridian and vessel deoppilant compound, which can markedly relieve the vascular endothelial malfunction of obese patients, and blood-lipid regulation may be the one of the functional mechanisms.
出处 《中国中医药信息杂志》 CAS CSCD 2009年第12期8-10,共3页 Chinese Journal of Information on Traditional Chinese Medicine
基金 国家中医药管理局基金(04-05LP09)
关键词 肥胖 内皮功能障碍 血脂 复方通络中药 辛香疏络2号胶囊 obesity endothelial dysfunction blood lipid Chinese herbal meridian deoppilant compound Xinxiang Shuluo 2# capsules
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