以宁紫薯1号为试材,研究了不同扦插时间对鲜薯产量和商品薯产量、商品薯率的影响,以及商品薯产量与商品薯率的动态变化,并确定了适宜收获期。结果表明:不同扦插时期对宁紫薯1号的鲜薯产量、商品薯产量和商品薯率有直接影响。适当提早扦插、适时收获可获得最高商品薯产量。最迟扦插期应掌握在7月底以前,收获时间掌握在扦插后100~130 d。
The effects of cutting time on the fresh yield,commodity yield and commodity rate,and the dynamic changes of commodity yield and commodity rate of Ningzishu No.1 were studied,and the suitable cutting time was determined.The results showed that the cutting time directly influenced the fresh yield,marketable yield and commodity rate.The high commodity yield could be achieved by appropriate early cutting and timely harvest.The cutting should be performed before the end of July and the sweet potato should be harvested 100 - 130 days after cutting.
Journal of Hebei Agricultural Sciences